Erika Jackson Discussion started by Erika Jackson 15 years ago

While cleaning up and packing to move to Kalamazoo yesterday, I discovered a  note I had written some time ago. Old thoughts emerged as I reviewed this message, and I must admit, it gave me pause. Here's what I wrote:

I must become broken in my will. I will not be able to live eternally with God with a strong, personal will. In eternity, I won't suddenly be able to become obedient to God. In eternity, all souls worship God all the time. I'm going to have a new body with the same soul and spirit. My soul has to become, here and now, the way it will be for eternity. My question is this, "The way my soul is now, will I make it to God's eternity?"

Well...will I?

I have been taught that soul is mind, will, emotions. What focus controls  my mind, will, and emotions? Am I self-focused, or is my focus on God and  pleasing Him? I have thought about all the people around me who profess Christ, along with myself, and what non-believers must see in our actions and words. What I do and say are reflections of what's in my soul. Are we representing Christ well to them?

I took a self-assessment today, and I realize I want to be closer to God so my will truly reflects His will for me. Don't get me wrong. I love God and am truly born again! I am assured a place in God's kingdom. However, during the time that I have on this earth, whose will am I living out, His or mine?

Erika Jackson
Erika Jackson What have I been idolizing in place of God? Television, Internet, self? What things have taken priority over obedience to God? 14 years ago
Brandy Williams
Brandy Williams WOW, I had not thought about that level of simplification at all, When I read this my mind was flooded with all the ways we as individuals and... Show more 14 years ago
Renee Brown
Renee Brown I, also, want to be closer to God so my will truly reflects His will for me. I must die, so that He lives in mind, my body, and my spirit... Show more 14 years ago